- Understand your requirements, core industry needs, processes, objectives and strategy
- Analysis of your environment, drivers and internal factors focussing particularly on people, processes and technology
- Identification and analysis of key source systems, secondary sources and IoT data points
- Assessment of the strategies, processes, policies and procedures in place in relation to data driven decision making
- Risk assessment based on industry benchmark focussing on data quality, governance frameworks, systems and capability
Deliver initial Insights and Proof of Concept (POC) utilising your data todemonstrate value and return on investment (ROI)

- Current State Assessment involves an As Is analysis of quantitative and qualitative data, employee, customer and business impacts. In addition, focuses on identification of hotspots, root cause analysis and draws attention towards current capability and process analysis maturity
- A Future State Assessment that involves gap analysis between the people, process, technology and the diagnostic driven benchmark and internal aspirational strategic goals
- Development and prioritised initiatives and business cases through cost benefit analysis and assessing the case for change. In parallel, supporting frameworks are created to support the implementation of those initiatives
- Verification of strategic initiatives through modelling and implementing in pilot phases ensuring they are proven against multiple variables
- Monitor standardise and improve the strategy and framework accordingly

- Proven scientific and engineering industry principles in practice
- We refine, evaluate and define business case, program, operational and service delivery in line with timeline, budget scope and quality tolerances
- Our team conducts the analysis, develops the algorithms, creates the user experience and delivers the fundamental advanced analytics
- We provide training, help identify talent and create ecosystems leading to knowledge transfer, longevity and success for you

- Data science capability leading to patent and copyright protected products and services
- Insights leading to new and additional income streams and cost savings
- Algorithms leading to predictive and prescriptive analytics